Route of the Salt

Our journey today is situated on of 4,300 meters above sea level, where the immensity of the landscape allows for the observation of volcanoes, wildlife, and salt flats within a single geological context. Our first stop will be in front the volcano Licancabur, where we will have breakfast. Continuing along the same route, we will stop in front of the bofedal (peat) of Quepiaco, where it is possible to see birds, and fauna typical of the area. The next stop will be the Monks of the Pecan, where we can see different rock formations product of volcanic activity. Then we headed down to the furthest point. The salar de Quisquiro, where information shall be given with respect to the formation of this salt deposit. Finally, according to the weather conditions we will provide lunch in front of the Salar de Aguas Calientes II. If conditions do not permit it due to the wind, look for the best option to have lunch alone.


Go with warm clothes (long trousers, jacket, gloves, hat, scarf). Bring sunscreen, sunglasses, hat, 1L ½ of water per person. On the night prior to tours of height, we recommend to hydrate well, opt for a lighter dining (no red meat) and not to exceed the consumption of alcohol. Bring toilet paper and a plastic bag – there are no toilets for the entire trip.

Precios desde: USD 150 por persona
Duration: 8 Hours approx.
Difficulty: Average
Height: 4.300 meters
Includes: Breakfast, and lunch.
Outputs: AM

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Route of the Salt

Our journey today is situated on of 4,300 meters above sea level, where the immensity of the landscape allows for the observation of volcanoes, wildlife, and salt flats within a single geological context.

Details of the Tour "

Half Day/Half day

Full Day/full day

Mountains and Volcanoes

Features of the Regular service Premium

Excursions private

For those looking for an experience even more comfortable or higher amount of trips choose your program in private, where you will be able to provide more flexible schedules, you'll have a vehicle exclusive to you and the best care that we are known for.


Ante eventualidades como tormenta de arena, rafagas de vientos, cierre de parques, tormentas de nieve, lluvia, tormenta eléctrica, terremoto, actividad volcánica, aluviones, deslizamientos de tierra, cortes de camino, crecida de ríos, entre otros que impidan el normal desarrollo de la actividad. Relátalo Tú ofrecerá una alternativa a la excursión inicial, quien no desee sumarse a esta nueva propuesta se hará la devolución del 100% del valor del tour. Se cobrará la diferencia de tarifa sólo en caso que exista.

  • En ningún caso habrá devolución por no show al momento del servicio.
  • Las devoluciones serán procesadas con un máximo de 20 días hábiles.
  • Con más de 20 días: No hay penalidad
  • Desde 19 días a 9 de antelación se cobra el 50% del total del programa
  • Desde 8 días de antelación: No hay devolución de dinero.